Alquiler de autocaravanas en Catania

Alquiler de Autocaravanas en Catania

La mejor flota de furgonetas camper y autocaravanas de alquiler en Catania

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Campervan and RV Rental in Catania

Catania is situated on the east coast of Sicily, at the foot of Mount Etna. Its location near an active volcano gives the surrounding area the city rich, fertile soil, which is why the region is known for its incredible vineyards.

Campervan or RV rental in Catania is an excellent way for adventurers to explore the area. Incredible beaches, scenic national parks, and stunning historical sites are just a campervan ride away.

Catania National Parks

While eastern Sicily is famous for its incredible port towns and beaches, it also has lots of national parks that you can access when you rent a campervan or RV in Catania. 

Parco dell'Etna is unmissable. Where else could you find a national park with an active volcano, diverse wildlife, hiking, and caves? Take advantage of the Torre del Filosofo (The Philosopher's Tower). It has incredible views of Mount Etna that are easily accessible by campervan or RV rental.

Further north, you can find the vast expanse of the Park of the Nebrodi. Stunning views, waterfalls, and local fauna are just a few of the treats on offer when you explore by campervan or RV rental from Catania.

Finally, if you're traveling south, the natural reserve of Cavagrande del Cassibile is an amazing option. It has canyons and ravines, swimming, and lush, verdant vegetation. Truly unmissable

Catania Coastlines, Lakes, and Rivers

Catania borders the Ionian Sea. Campervan or RV rental gives you access to many of east Sicily's famous port towns, like Syracuse, Messina, and Taranto.

The areas around Catania are home to some spectacular lakes. Lake Pozillo is easy to reach by campervan rental. While it's an artificial lake, it's undeniably tranquil and beautiful. Wild animals roam the area, and there is an adventure park and a cableway that allows you to glide across the lake.

In neighboring Messina, you can find Lake Maulazzo. It's right inside Park Nebrodi and is a favorite subject for photographers due to its natural beauty. In the summer months, algae turn the lake into a stunning red, giving it a unique look. 

Lake Drillio offers a serene mix of water and forest. It's off the beaten track and gives adventurers a chance to escape into the less tourist-focused side of Catania. Stunning views and memorable hikes abound.

The area is also well-known for its rivers. The Simeto river, the island's second longest, is worth a trip for the views and hikes, while the nearby Alcantara river offers activities like rafting and more.

Campgrounds in Catania

Catania has many great sites you can stay at in your campervan or RV rental. Booking ahead is essential if you want to avoid disappointment. The most popular campervan-friendly sites can get very busy in the summer months.

For visitors to Mount Etna, the Area Sosta Attrezzata per Camper Spuligni is the perfect spot. The facilities are good, and campervan enthusiasts run it, so you'll be in good company.

Another site that welcomes your campervan or RV rental is Agricampeggio Contrada Friera, near Piedimonte Etneo. The site is situated on a farm and provides nearby access to Mount Etna's ski lifts, alongside some excellent facilities.

Finally, the Area Attrezzata e Area Sosta Camper Camping Triscell is perfect if you fancy a trip to the Messina or Milazzo area. Friendly owners, a nearby beach, and access to a supermarket on foot will all make your visit very pleasant.

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Indie Campers en Catania

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